Droughts threaten hospitality

We’ve all known water scarcity has been a problem for humanity for years. True to form, we’ve done little, or even nothing at all, about the issue. Every second aqueduct in Italy suffers from losses of some sort, and our water consumption is amongst the highest in Europe. We waste water, don’t care about it, and use it with wanton disregard.
Without water, however, the land itself would turn on us.

We’ve reached the point of no return when it comes to climate change. The appeals of scientists, researchers, activists, and journalists have been highlighting the imminent catastrophe for years. And all their pleas have fallen on deaf years. And we’re now starting to see the truth of their theories. In little less than seven years, i.e. 2030, the temperature of the Earth will rise by another degree and a half. And droughts – interpreted as water and vital resource scarcity – will affect the entire world if we don’t do something about it now. And yet we prefer turning a blind eye to the matter, waging war and continuing to consume what Mother Nature has so kindly given us. We don’t have to look too far away to see the effects of droughts: Italian aqueducts suffer from empty reservoirs, with losses equivalent to 42%; three million citizens will have to implement water rations from now until summer; out of the 9.19 m3 needed in aqueducts, only 6 are sent to our household taps, equivalent to 157 litres of water wasted per citizen. A huge, absurd damage, which we need to solve right now. The relevant bodies, administrators, and our government are responsible for finding effective solutions in a very short amount of time. But even our behaviour needs to change, and radically. We have to address how we use water, which makes up 70% of the planet. If we do so, we’ll be taking a huge step for humanity, contributing to its salvation.